Sustainability has been a societal issue for quite some time. In the context of ‘sustainability’, energy reduction and specifically CO2 reduction are important elements. Since the Kyoto protocol (1997) many countries have taken their responsibility in this matter. Eekels also makes its contribution to the reduction of CO2 emissions. It does this through the emission reduction of its own activities and through the supply of sustainable solutions to customers.
The Carbon Footprint Analysis
Eekels analyses its CO2 emission via the Carbon Footprint Analysis, also known as the ‘CO2 foot print’ or ‘CO2 emission inventory.’ This is a report that shows the CO2 emissions (in kilograms) of an organisation, an activity or during the total product life cycle. It also makes clear which measures can be taken to decrease this emission.
Public authorities, companies, advisors and institutions have developed many methods to show the Carbon Footprint of organisations and to communicate about these in a simple manner with clients, shareholders, consumer organisations and other stakeholders. Eekels is certified on the basis of the CO2 Performance Ladder.
The Carbon Footprint Analysis is drawn up in conformity with a number of internationally applicable principles and agreements, including agreements concerning data to be used, method of verification and the conversion factors to be used. This set of agreements is laid down in the ‘Green House Gas Protocol.
In 2006 the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has adopted the above-mentioned ‘Corporate Standard’ as the basis for its ISO 14064-1 standard. The CO2 performance ladder, developed by ProRail, is set up in accordance with the Green House Gas Protocol and ISO 14064-1.
The CO2 Performance Ladder
The CO2 performance ladder has been developed by ProRail, which has been using this since December 2009 for its invitation to tender process. First and foremost the use of the CO2 performance ladder has to provide insight into the CO2 emission. Certification on the CO2 performance ladder can lead to being awarded contracts. Six levels (including level 0) are currently distinguished on the performance ladder. The level of awareness of its CO2 emissions reached by an organisation is translated into an advantage in the tendering process. The higher the certified level, the larger the advantage will be in obtaining contracts.
The conversion factors and reference data to be used in the performance ladder are tailored to the Dutch situation; these sometimes differ from the factors applied internationally or within the US and relative performance indicators. Both the CO2 performance ladder and the GHG protocol make a distinction in Scopes.
The Carbon Footprint Analysis has been executed along the lines of the Greenhouse Gas (GHG ) protocol. The GHG identifies three sources of emission, known as scopes:
Scope I
Scope I comprises the direct emissions that are self-managed and influenced by the organisation. Examples are the combustion of fuels in fixed machinery, and transport for business purposes in vehicles owned by the reporting organisation. Scope 1 also comprises the emissions by application of refrigerant in refrigeration appliances and air conditioning of business locations, and the installations managed by Eekels.
Scope II
Scope II comprises the indirect emissions through generation of purchased electricity, steam or heat, use of private vehicles for work purposes and air traffic for business purposes.
Scope III
Scope III comprises the other indirect emissions from sources such as commuter traffic and the billable transport of own employees. It also comprises the production of purchased materials and outsourced activities such as freight transport. Eekels does not report on its Scope III emission in the context of the CO2 performance ladder. It has decided to achieve certification for level 3 on the CO2 Performance Ladder. Level 3 does not require reporting on Scope III emissions.