Refits & Conversions
From renewing complete electrical installations to repairing or replacing parts, Eekels can tell you what new technologies are available and advise on the pros and cons of possible modifications or innovations.
Our deliverables
Ballast Water Treatment Systems
From 2024, all vessels travelling internationally must have an approved Ballast Water Treatment System (BWTS) on board to prevent harm to local ecosystems in oceans. Existing vessels are also required to install an approved BWTS. As an independent system integrator, Eekels is very active in this field and has already successfully installed more than 300 BWTS during refits worldwide.
Shore power connection
Ports have set targets to reduce carbon emissions, local emissions and noise pollution. An important source of emissions and noise are moored vessels in places without a shore power connection. These vessels use their own engines or generators, which run on diesel fuel, to generate the electricity they require. By using shore power facilities, the emissions can be reduced. Eekels can retrofit existing vessels with various solutions for shore power connection.
Eekels was granted the order from Scheepswerf Niestern Sander Repair BV in Farmsum for the refit of the electrical installation of the Münsterland. The ferry is owned by AG Ems and part of the Borkum line and is used together with Ostfriesland for the ferry services to the German island of Borkum.