In December 2017 the Blue Queen, a Platform Supply Vessel, sailed from Norway to the shipyard of Royal Niestern Sander for an extensive conversion. On the order of Wagenborg Offshore, the ship was converted in 16 weeks to a Walk-to-Work Emergency Response and Rescue Vessel (W2W ERRV) and named Kasteelborg. Delivery took place in March 2018.
The Kasteelborg will operate as a standby and support vessel for inspection and maintenance of unmanned platforms, owned by Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij (NAM) and Shell UK, in Dutch and British waters for a period of 6 years.
The conversion consisted of placing and installing of an extra accommodation module, motion compensated gangway, motion compensated crane, a daughter craft and davit system.
The required electronic modifications and delivery of new systems for the ERRV-notation (Class B), were carried out by Eekels. Main elements:
- adjustment and extension switchboards 690/440 & 230V
- adjustment and extension bridge & DP consoles
- expansion ULSTEINCOM PA, phone & SATTV installation
- expansion & delivery data network Wagenborg and NAM
- adjustment & extension fire alarm system
- delivery of a DP alert system
- delivery of a talk back system
- delivery of a Man Overboard alarm system
- delivery of a 690/440V stepdown transformer for the daughter craft
- supply of switchgear, lighting & distribution cabinets for the additional accommodation