Eekels I TBI contributes to hydrogen vessel ALFA-College Groningen
Over the past few months, a team of 25 students from various technical study programmes at the Alfa-College in Groningen have built a hydrogen vessel. Eekels has contributed to this in terms of designing and building the electrical system, as well as the control and monitoring systems.
On 24 June 2021, the vessel “Admiraal” (Admiral) was launched during the New Energy Forum in the traditional manner by Joos Ockels (widower of Wubbo Ockels) in the lake on the EnTranCe site at the Zernike Campus in Groningen.
Eric Bueving I Manager Hydrogen Power Solutions attended on behalf of Eekels and spoke with students and teachers about multidisciplinary collaboration between the various technical disciplines, the construction of the vessel, the challenges they faced and, in particular, also the pride and enthusiasm the students are allowed to feel about the project.

During the event, by way of a thank you for the collaboration, the team presented Eric Bueving with a memento of the hydrogen vessel.
The Solar Boat Race is due to take place in Groningen from 22 to 25 September 2021. The Alfa-College is the first team to take part in the race in the new V10 hydrogen class. Want to find out more about the Solar Boat Race? See:
Eekels would like to wish the team from Alfa-College every success in reaching their goal, namely: winning the V10 race!