Eekels I TBI new sponsor of the Tall Ships Races Harlingen

Eekels I TBI is a new sponsor of the Tall Ships Races Harlingen. “We give a warm heart to both the Tall Ships Races Harlingen and Delfsail. We do a lot of work in the nautical sector. These events are the perfect opportunity for us to invite our relations," says Hendrik de Haan, managing director of Eekels I TBI.

Eekels has specific expertise in electrical drive systems, shore power connection systems, ship systems and process automation. Within this expertise, Eekels takes various initiatives to make the sector more sustainable. “That is precisely why an event such as the Tall Ships Races Harlingen suits us well”. A lot is also being done here on sustainability,' says De Haan.

Tall Ships Races 2022 Harlingen 

Harlingen is one of the host ports of the Tall Ships Races. The start is on July 9, 2022 in Esbjerg (Denmark). Harlingen is the end of the first stage on 14 July. About fifty of the world's largest sailing ships take part in the event. The tallships will be in Harlingen from 14 to 17 July, which will be an enormous happening. Besides admiring the magnificent ships, there are all kinds of activities.



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