Eekels | TBI appoints Bart Brom as statutory director

We are delighted to let you know that Bart Brom (59) will join the management board of Eekels Technology B.V. in Kolham as Statutory Director on 1 May 2021. Bart Brom has a wealth of experience in sales, engineering, manufacturing and support services in the marine & offshore sector. At the moment, he is the acting Yachting business unit manager in Zaandam. Before that, he served as CEO of Alphatron Marine. Bart Brom already knows Eekels inside and out very well because he also worked at Eekels from 2011 to 2017, then as the statutory director/business unit manager for Marine & Offshore.
We see in Bart a very competent and enthusiastic colleague and we are convinced that he will be a hugely positive addition to our company. With the appointment of Bart Brom, Eekels will once again have a two-member statutory management team in place as of 1 May.