Eekels | TBI congratulates Royal Niestern Sander, Wagenborg, NAM en Shell UK with the KNVTS Ship of the year award!

Last Monday was the Maritime Awards Gala in Rotterdam where five maritime prizes were awarded.

One of these prizes was the KNVTS Ship of the Year Award. This award is for a ship designed and built or finished by a Dutch company in the Netherlands or abroad. With this award The KNVTS wants to stimulate and promote technical innovation in the maritime sector in the Netherlands. The nominees are judged on design, economy, sustainability, safety and building process.

Maintenance Support Walk-to-Work Vessel ‘Kroonborg’ is the winner of this award and was nominated in the category special vessels. De Kroonborg is the result of an intensive collaboration with shipyard Royal Niestern Sander, Wagenborg, NAM and Shell UK.

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