Eekels | TBI delivers drive panels to Huisman for 5.000 mt crane
Following the Huisman order in January of this year, Eekels Technology B.V. in cooperation with Huisman has completed the trajectory of engineering, production and factory acceptance tests of the drive panels for one 5.000mt tub mounted crane, to be installed on Allseas’ platform installation/decommissioning and pipelay vessel “Pioneering Spirit”. Given the challenging time schedule imposed at the start of the project, Eekels Technology B.V. is proud to announce that the total trajectory from order to delivery is successfully completed in a total time span of just six months, completely to clients satisfaction.

The delivery involves 2 pcs. custom build 12 meter long drive panels, comprising the drives control systems, frequency inverters, Bi-directional Active Front End (AFE) converters and in-house produced water cooling units.