Eekels | TBI falicitates Siemens training
Further to last year’s success, Eekels once more facilitates training for the ‘Siemens Certified TIA-Portal Technicians and Programmers’ programme. The basic and follow-up training courses as well as the ‘Simatic S7 default detection with TIA Portal’ will be held at the Eekels training facility. For both you and your employees this is another opportunity to participate in this training in Northern Netherlands. The programme to be followed, is a complete learning plan based on TIA-Portal S7 1200/1500 and S7-300/400. Please note that this learning plan is exclusively based on TIA Portal.

You can register for courses on the Siemens training site: With sufficient participation, the training courses will be held in Kolham. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call on +31 (0)88-799 1517 or send an email to: indicating Siemens training.