Eekels | TBI has made a major contribution to the delivery of "Lady Hestia" to the Wijnne Barends shipping company

On Tuesday the 7th of January the " Lady Hestia " was delivered by the Chowgule shipyard to the Wijnne Barends shipping company. The Lady Hestia is the second in a series of six new ships, with a cargo capacity of 4,200 tons and a length of 98 meters.

Eekels undertook part of the engineering work for the E-installation of this series and were responsible for supplying a package that included the PTO/PTI machine, engine room, alarm system, searchlights, lighting system and the internal communication systems, amongst other items.

The launch ceremony for Lady Hestia took place in Goa, India where she was built under construction number C-249 by the Chowgule shipyard and CO PVT LTD. The Lady Hestia has been added to the existing Lady-H series.

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