Eekels | TBI hosting UNETO-VNI breakfast session

On Wednesday 14 February, Eekels | TBI will be hosting a breakfast session for UNETO-VNI. During this breakfast session various subjects will be discussed over coffee, juice and rolls.

In the industry significant developments are taking place that make considerable demands on technical service providers. The following subjects will be discussed:

  • Cyber security – How are we handling it?
  • Engineers – How do we get them? Do some parties have experience with foreign workers?
  • Machine regulations – How strict is our compliance, for example regarding safety?


Information about the meeting:

  • Date: 14 February 2018
  • Time: 8 - 10 am
  • Location: Eekels, A. Plesmanlaan 2, 9615 TH in Kolham
  • Cost: none
  • Target group: members of UNETO-VNI who are active as technical service providers in the industry from the North and North-East Netherlands regions (Friesland, Groningen, Drenthe and Overijssel).


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