Eekels | TBI deelnemer Main Industry 2023

On Wednesday 22 and Thursday 23 March 2023, Eekels | TBI will be present at the third edition of MAIN Industry 2023 in Martiniplaza Groningen. At this trade fair for smart industry and maintenance, you will see the latest trends in the fields of industry 4.0, technology and innovation, engineering and installation, materials, parts and tools, asset management, software and energy management. MAIN Industry is the platform for the manufacturing industry in the Northern Netherlands. An inspiring and informative meeting place where knowledge is exchanged, new contacts are made and all sector-related developments and innovations are shared. On the exhibition floor, but also during an interesting knowledge program. MAIN Industry 2023 is open on Wednesday, March 22 from 09.30 - 19.30 and Thursday, March 23 from 10.30 - 18.00.

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