Eekels | TBI starts work on expansion of Eneco Bio Golden Raand

Mid January Eekels Technology started expanding the Eneco Bio Golden Raand (BGR) plant in Delfzijl. With this expansion, BGR aims to start delivering steam to companies such as Akzo Nobel as from the fourth quarter. The project fits in well with Eekels’ strategy to execute multidisciplinary projects in Northern Netherlands. The project will be caried out in close collaboration with Eneco and Tebodin. Eekels will be responsible for the mechanical engineering, electro-technical and civil engineering activities.

On 19 April 2016 the first pile was driven in the presence of the many invited guests. The machine was operated by Sikke Klein, Technology Manager Energy at Akzo Nobel and Hugo Buis, managing director Eneco Generation & Storage.

With its biomass plant, Eneco has been delivering sustainable electricity. Wood chips from recycled waste wood are converted into green electricity that is sufficient for 120,000 households. Annually approximately 300,000 tonnes of recycled waste wood arrives in Delfzijl, by ship, train and lorry from the Netherlands and surrounding countries. Compared to the electricity production of an average power plant, this wood plant results in a savings of a CO<sub>2</sub> emission of 250,000 tonnes a year.

This new expansion will also make this plant suitable for the delivery of sustainable steam. Twice as sustainable! In this way this biomass plant will make a positive contribution to the national sustainability targets.

Eekels is responsible for the complete construction of this new steam pipeline on the Eneco site. Not only will this expansion result in reduced dependency on fossil fuels, but also provide CO<sub>2</sub> savings comparable to the emissions of approximately 12,500 households or one billion kilometres by car.

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