Team Eekels an active participant in Asser Rowing Club competitions

This year, in connection with the Eekels Healthy Professionals theme (Vitaal Vakmanschap), we once again took part in the corporate rowing competition organised by the Asser Rowing Club (ARC). Led by enthusiastic coaches, we attempted to get as much practice in as we could in the evenings of the weeks leading up to the competition, to really master the finer points of rowing. The races were held on Saturday 21 September 2019, a day which offered excellent weather conditions for rowing. We rowed in a C4+ 4 rowers and a coxswain – in varying crew compositions. All told, we competed against other companies for the fastest time in three 500-metre head races.

Despite the short training period, the Eekels team managed to end in the top half of its class. Unfortunately, this wasn't quite enough to earn a spot in the finals. Still, we can look back at a highly successful day – and everyone went home satisfied, saying: ‘next year we'll take the cup!’

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