Are you an ambitious young professional? Eekels offers a challenging traineeship for graduates of HBO or WO graduates. In a period of two years you will participate at management level on prestigious projects and processes within our company, aimed at your personal and professional development. With the aim that after two years you know where your interests lie and you can move on to a challenging position within Eekels.
Traineeship at Eekels
As a trainee at Eekels you are involved in carrying out various assignments and projects with your own tasks and responsibilities. During a period of two years you will become acquainted with our various departments, such as Calculation, Work Preparation, Engineering, Project Management, Execution and Service by carrying out various assignments there. The order and duration of the assignments within the various departments may differ and depends on your personal development and ambition. In this way you will discover during your traineeship which position suits you best and where you can show your added value for Eekels.

We are looking for you!
During your traineeship you will be linked to a buddy with whom you will have regular consultations about the progress of your traineeship and your personal development. Within the trainee program there are plenty of opportunities to follow courses and courses in line with your personal development and ambition.
You can follow a traineeship specifically within a certain business unit, but it can also be implemented in a transcending business unit.
Have you become curious about a traineeship at Eekels and do you have an HBO or WO diploma in Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Management or similar?
Then send us your resume and a short motivation letter at or contact us for more information about the traineeship at 088-7991799 or